




Japan 2.0: Designing an Optimized Society From the Real to the Virtual, and to Human Well-being

December 11, 2018

Keizai Doyukai
(Japan Association of Corporate Executives)


Japan 2.0: Designing an Optimized Society--Summary

Japan 2.0 Optimized Society--Corporate Executives' Declaration

  1. The 70 Years since the War and Japan's Future
    1. Lack of a Sense of Urgency
    2. Intellectual Degeneration and Depleted Capacity for Self-Improvement
    3. Use Intelligence and Perceptiveness to Discern the Winds of Change
    4. Use Analysis across Three Dimensions to Maximize the Value of Our Nation and Optimize Society
  2. Current Situation and Issues for the World and Japan
    1. The World's Current Situation and Issues
      1. The tides of transformation: Globalization, digitization (AI), and socialization
      2. Functional Decline of the democracy
      3. The changing face of capitalism
      4. Sounding the alarm over digital dictatorship
      5. Efforts to address the global agenda
    2. Japan's Current Situation and Issues: Depleted Energy for Change
      1. Delays in institutional reform to address the declining birthrate, aging society, and overall population decline
      2. Weak political commitment to fiscal consolidation
      3. Low labor productivity and a declining capacity for innovation by international standards
      4. Society's limited diversity and lack of the dynamism necessary for change
  3. Japan 2.0: Designing an Optimized Society
    1. Finding Optimal Solutions by Understanding Human Nature and the Essence of Economic Activities, and Being Aware of the Winds of Change
      1. Seek happiness, overcome challenges, and survive in a prosperous society, then pass that society on
      2. Change the paradigm to reflect the era, from the real to the virtual to human well-being
      3. Maximize value provided by organizations, optimizing the benefits enjoyed by society
      4. Use evaluation by stakeholders across three dimensions to drive a virtuous cycle of optimization
    2. Considering the Three Worldwide Tides of Transformation to Envision the Optimized Society of 2045
      1. Advancing globalization has brought competition for supremacy over standardized infrastructure, as well as unique forms of differentiation
      2. Advancing digitization (AI) has caused innovation to subsume morality and social norms
      3. Advancing socialization has enabled both heteronomous and autonomous governance to function according to public opinion
    3. A Japan That Meets the World's Expectations by Finding Solutions to Competing Interests and Combining Disparate Influences
  4. The Spirit of Humanism and Doyukai's Efforts to Improve Itself
    1. Building a Society That Is Diverse, Inclusive, and Stable
    2. Challenging Ourselves to Improve as an Action-Oriented Policy Group Spearheading Reform



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