Policy Proposals

Perspectives for the COP16

November 30, 2010

Masamitsu Sakurai
Chairman, Keizai Doyukai
Mitsudo Urano
Chairman, Committee on Realization of Low Carbon Society
(Chairman, Nichirei Corp.)

The international negotiations on climate change have been stalled and there is no progress on that issue since COP15, which was held in Copenhagen last year. As COP16 is now held in Cancun, Mexico under this circumstance, we strongly urge Japanese Government to consider the following points in order to establish the effective framework for the prevention of global warming;

  1. Establishing the effective framework for the prevention of global warming.
    Since the climate change is the task on a global scale and the whole world needs to make concerted efforts together to prevent it, it is absolutely necessary for all major GHG emitting countries including USA, China, India, etc. to participate in the new framework. However, it seems that some countries intend to insist the provisional extension of Kyoto Protocol even after its validity, year 2012 because of the stalled international negotiation. This must not be accepted from the point of view of effectiveness of prevention of global warming. We think Japanese Government must exercise the leadership to make the next framework fair and effective globally.
  2. Making the greatest efforts to ensure the international fairness.
    We think Japanese Government should go into the negotiations in COP16 with the greatest efforts in order to ensure the international fairness among all major GHG emitting countries, which is the precondition of Japanese Government's mid-term target, the "25% reduction of emissions by 2020".
    Japan should encourage the world, especially developed countries, to agree the aggressive target, which measures up to Japanese target considering the equalization of Marginal Abatement Cost as the base in order to realize the expansion of reduction of GHG emission. Moreover, we urge Japanese Government to call the developing countries, especially emerging countries, to create the numerical targets and to participate in the new framework.
  3. Establishing a new Credit Mechanism to promote the prevention on a global scale.
    In order to reduce GHG emission efficiently on a global scale, it is effective to transfer the cutting-edge technologies and spread highly-efficient and eco products to the world, especially developing countries. However, it is hard to say that the CDM functions sufficiently for the reduction of GHG emission.
    Japan should proactively propose a new Credit Mechanism to the global society, which aims that the reduction achieved in the third countries by such technology transfer or spread will be recognized as a part of providing country's attainment of the reduction target.