Chairperson's Messages
Statement by Yasuchika Hasegawa, Chairman of Keizai Doyukai
On the Final Government Draft of “The Basic Energy Plan”
February 25, 2014
Yasuchika Hasegawa
Chairman, Keizai Doyukai
- The government draft of “The Basic Energy Plan” is finalized today. Efforts provided by parties concerned deserve appreciation with respect as the Plan shows a realistic direction on the basis of responsible considerations for Japan’s energy policy after the Great East Japan Earthquake.
- The Plan is in line with less nuclear reliance we have been advocating and it shows a realistic direction especially because 1) nuclear power is regarded as “one of the key base-load electricity sources that contribute to the stabilization of the energy supply-demand structure on the premise of ensured security” and 2) nuclear energy dependency is said “to be reduced as much as possible by introduction of the energy saving and renewable energies as well as seeking more efficiency in areas including thermal power plants” while promoting reactivation of nuclear reactors.
- The desirable ratio of energy sources for Japan (the best mix) is, however, not clarified in the Plan this time. The best mix has to be focused for an urgent discussion in seeking measures to tackle global warming while finding ways for reactivation of nuclear reactors. In this regard, there has to be a framework for reviewing the best mix flexibly and constantly with a careful eye on the progress of innovative technological development that must be accelerated in areas including efforts for further nuclear security.