Chairperson's Messages

Statement by Yasuchika Hasegawa, Chairman of Keizai Doyukai
On the Outcome of the Presidential Election of the Liberal Democratic Party

September 26, 2012

Yasuchika Hasegawa
Chairman, Keizai Doyukai

I expect the new president of the Liberal Democratic Party, Mr. Shinzo Abe, to renew recognition of the grave responsibility he takes as the leader of the largest opposition party, and to engage in state affairs with a sense of urgency and of speed to realize true benefit for the nation and its citizens.

Among a myriad of issues, he has to be aware of the influence caused by the bill on the issuance of deficit-covering bonds and a bill to reform the electoral system, which regrettably failed to be enacted during the previous Diet session, which seriously impedes the management of Japan’s national politics. Mr. Abe should join dialogue and coordination among the political parties and thus pave the way for the earliest possible enactment of those bills.

In addition, our country faces controversial issues of significant importance, which include participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement negotiations, social security system reform, and energy policy for the time being. For Japan to address these issues, it is essential to establish a framework for consensus building between the ruling and opposition parties, so that the outcome of the House of Representatives election expected within one year will not hinder the swift decision making of the government.

One of our greatest concerns is at the cornerstone of the Japanese diplomacy and security, the U.S.-Japan relations and its deterioration under the current administration. It is needless to say that consistency and continuity should be secured for the diplomacy and security policies of a nation. I hope Mr. Abe exercises his ability to restore US-Japan ties and to improve relations with other neighboring countries too.