Chairperson's Messages

Statement by Yasuchika Hasegawa, Chairman, Keizai Doyukai
On Appreciation to Prime Minister Noda’ Decision toward the Participation to the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Negotiation

November 11, 2011

Yasuchika Hasegawa
Chairman, Keizai Doyukai

  1. I wish to express my deep respect for Prime Minister Noda and his bold decision to proceed with Japan’s participation in the TPP negotiations, which was made following substantial debate within the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) and amidst an extremely challenging political environment. This decision will, we believe, clearly express Japan’s resolution to those both at home and abroad that we are a country open to the world and aim to grow and develop hand in hand with the world economy. We also hope that fruitful consultation with related countries at the APEC Summit Meeting must ensure the path for Japan to join the negotiation process.
  2. With this decision made and as Japan joins the TPP negotiation process, we will be able to take a leading role in the rule-making process and precisely follow the details of discussions on all the related sectors. During the negotiation process, I hope the government to make efforts to dispel concerns about issues currently raised by conservative groups, and work to maximize the benefit of this agreement for the sake of our national interests.
  3. We also regard this decision as extremely important in promoting other trade agreements for Japan, such as simultaneous negotiations on the EU-Japan EIA, China-Korea-Japan FTA, as well as in setting a course toward early conclusion of the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP). We would like to take this opportunity to express our high expectation for the swift realization of these economic partnerships, through close cooperation between the government and the ruling party while ensuring they sufficiently explain this process to Japanese citizens.
  4. There have been many against entering into negotiations, particularly from the agriculture sector, which does not see clear benefit from TPP. We believe that this is not a time for conflict between the agriculture sector and the industrial sector, but rather to establish a clear, long-term growth strategy for Japanese agriculture so as to realize a win-win partnership between the sectors. Specifically, urgent action is needed 1) to ensure adequate transitional measures for the farmers, 2) to establish a public-private fund to support the development of the primary industry as “sixth industrial sector” (in which farmers, forestry workers and fishery workers expand their scope of operations to production, processing, distribution and sale of food products), 3) to involve corporations in contributing to the nurture of the next generation of farmers.