Chairperson's Messages

Statement by Yasuchika Hasegawa, Chairman of Keizai Doyukai
“On the rejection of the no-confidence motion against the Kan Cabinet”

-Tentative Translation-

June 2, 2011

Yasuchika Hasegawa
Chairman, Keizai Doyukai

  1. The no-confidence motion against the Kan Cabinet was voted down by a majority of the ruling party. I cannot help but question the opposition party's no-confidence motion against the cabinet at a time when we still face national crisis. The prime minister just returned from the French Deauville summit, and the basic bill for reconstruction is soon to be revised and ruled upon by the two parties. Moreover, it is hard to comprehend that some ruling party members so easily changed their stance on the motion, because Prime Minister Kan stated he would step down after the current crisis has stabilized. This kind of behavior will just further distance the people from politics and surely will be looked down upon by the international community, further damaging their trust in Japan.
  2. Japan has two dire issues still awaiting solutions: reconstruction and recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake, and the economic challenges stemming from a shrinking population and massive cumulative debt that have been neglected for too long. Swift action from strong political leadership is indispensable in solving these problems. No longer can such important policy decisions be ignored.
  3. I would like to urge the members of the Diet to work together with the prime minister's administration-who needs to provide strong political will and leadership for the country. The Diet continues to be divided and collaboration between the ruling and opposition parties is key to realizing action on policy. The parties need to work together for the good of the country, meaning putting aside lesser differences to realize greater shared goals for the nation. I appeal to the wisdom of legislators from both the ruling and opposition parties to establish an effective mechanism for consensus building on high-priority policies related to reconstruction efforts. It is unacceptable for the confusion apparent in today's politics to continue any further.