Policy Proposals

Preparing Strategic Commitment to Help Africa Grow For TICAD V
~To Build Rewarding Japan-Africa Relationships~

February 15, 2013

Mamoru Sekiyama
Chairman,Committee on Africa-Japan Relations
Keizai Doyukai
(Senior Executive Vice President, Marubeni Corp.)

  1. Introduction--Overview of Japan-Africa Relationships and Desired Policy Orientation
    1. Growing Africa
    2. Challenges for Japan to Maintain and Expand Its Presence in Africa
    3. Evolving Japan-Africa Relationships through the TICAD V
  2. To Develop a New African Strategy
    1. Preparing a New African Strategy
    2. Basic Polices of Development Aid to Africa
  3. Announcing Japan's Commitment at TICAD V
    1. Contributing to Human Resource Development and Nation Building in Africa
    2. Support for the Development of Regional Economic Communities
    3. Strategic and Flexible Approach to Japan's ODA
    4. Effective Use of Diverse Financial Schemes
  4. Preparing for the Implementation of New African Strategies
    1. Promoting Personnel Exchange to Build a Solid Base for Japan-Africa Relationships
    2. Building a Cross-Governmental System towards the Implementation of a New African Strategy
    3. Reinforcing Security Measures
  5. Conclusion