Policy Proposals

Overcoming the National Crisis and Ensuring Reconstruction and Growth

Tohoku Appeal 2011 / Fiscal 2011 (26th) Summer Seminar

July 15, 2011

Keizai Doyukai (Japan Association of Corporate Executives)

  1. The National and Local Governments and Businesses Must Fulfill Their Respective Roles and Responsibilities to Accelerate the Process of Recovery and Reconstruction
    1. Demanding that politicians fulfill their responsibilities in accelerating the process of recovery and reconstruction
    2. Facilitating coordination between “Reconstruction Agency” and local governments to launch bold locally developed plans
    3. Using corporate resources to take the initiative in reconstruction
  2. Level Headed Discussions of Energy Policies Should Be Pursued with an Eye to Cost and Time Horizon
    1. Calling for resumption of operation by early next year at nuclear power plants currently under inspection upon confirmation of safety
    2. Promoting renewable energy sources over the medium to long term while considering cost and time horizon
    3. Introducing market principles to ensure electric power supply that meets diverse needs
  3. Action Must Be Taken to Achieve Sustained Growth
    1. Calling on the government to immediately implement the New Growth Strategy
    2. Eliminating regulations and vested interests that act as bottlenecks to growth
    3. Calling for businesses to take on the challenge of transformation and contribute to the solution of problems by achieving sustained growth