Policy Proposals

CREATIVE AND AGING SOCIETIES -Views from Japan and Finland-

October 19, 2006

Joint Report of EVA and Keizai Doyukai



  1. Introduction
    • 1.1Worldwide Trend toward Dwindling Birthrates and Aging Populations
    • 1.2European Moves to Acivate the Elderly Population
    • 1.3Moves to Activate the Elderly Population in Finland
    • 1.4Moves to Activate the Elderly Population in Japan
    • 1.5Common Issues Facing Finland and Japan
  2. Practices in Japan
    • 2.1Utilizing the Elderly Population Based on Business Community Ties
    • 2.2Utilizing the Elderly Population in the Future Based on Local Community Ties
  3. Practices in Finland
    • 3.1Company-level Active Aging Initiatives
    • 3.2Two Initiatives for Demand-oriented Production of Welfare Services
  4. Summary