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Joint Statement on the APEC
Conference in Osaka

21st ASEAN-Japanese Businessmen’s Meeting
November 10,1995

On the eve of the APEC Conference in Osaka, we issue the following statement in the name of the 21st ASEAN-Japanese Businessmen’s Meeting as proposals to the governments of Japan and ASEAN countries.

1. The Important of ASEAN and Significance of ASEAN-Japan Cooperation.

APEC at this year’s meeting in Osaka aims to formulate an action plan for intra- regional Liberalization. ASEAN has already proceeded with their intra-regional liberalization through the launching of AFTA (the ASEAN Free Trade Agreement) in1993. Also, the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) established last year was an ASEAN initiative that has increased ASEAN’S importance in maintaining the security of the Asia-Pacific region. ASEAN’S role in securing political stability and economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region is becoming greater day by day. Japan should attach more importance to ASEAN’ now and in the future, and ASEAN / Japan cooperative efforts in the Asia-Pacific region should be strengthened further.

2. Promotion of Liberalization in APEC

(1) Promotion of intra-regional liberalization in APEC should be pursued vigorously in accordance with WTO and based on the principle of open regionalism. Liberalization in APEC should support global liberalization and should not result in the establishment of a trade bloc.

(2) Countries and areas affiliated with APEC vary in their stages of economic development. Efforts to liberalize should be promoted steadily, while giving due consideration to this diversity. The Bogor Declaration made last year called for advanced countries to complete liberalization by 2010 and developing countries to do so by 2020.

(3) The key to liberalization in APEC is for the advanced countries to take the lead. In this context, Japan has a responsibility and should accelerate the pace of marked opening and deregulation.

(4) The thrust for economic development in the APEC economies comes from the private sector in which small and medium-sized enterprises have a significant role to play. We expect that the role of the private enterprises in APEC members shall become increasingly more important.

(5) Liberalization will require an expansion of human resource development. An exchange of views resulting in the adoption of an action plan among the APEC members on this subject will prove to be beneficial for both industrialized and developing economies.

Forming a Framework for Co-operation among East Asian Countries

ASEAN has proposed creating a forum for the exchange of views among the ASEAN countries, Japan, China, and Korea as a way of contributing towards the development of WTO and APEC. At the opening of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) last year and this year, an informal luncheon was held by the ASEAN countries, Japan, China, and Korea. In light of the importance of her co-operation with ASEAN, Japan should positively participate in such meetings. We expect that through active involvement on Japan’s part, further progress can be made in laying the framework and the premises for future cooperation among countries in East Asia.